Copyright and Logos: How Our Lawyers Can Help You Protect Your Legal Rights
Are you a creative professional? Do you work in graphic design, making logos that are unique? How do you protect your work? Are there ways to ensure that others don’t copy and use your designs for their own purposes?
At the Sanders Law Group, our US copyright attorneys handle copyright issues related to graphic design, including uniquely creative logos. We understand the long hours and creative drive that goes into creating something of value that is original. Our lawyers want to ensure that you retain control over how and where your work gets used. We want you to receive fair compensation for what you do. We also want to hold people accountable when they violate your copyright.
Call the Sanders Law Group at 888-348-3090 today for a free evaluation of your copyright infringement claim or other copyright needs.

What is Copyright?
The US Copyright Act is the law that establishes what copyright means. Copyright is a property right that attaches to original works of authorship the moment the creator fixes it in a tangible form of expression.
Copyright gives the copyright owner or holder exclusive rights to:
- Reproduce or copy the work
- Prepare work that is derivative of the original
- Distribute, lend, sell, or license the work to others
- Perform the work
- Display the work
- Authorize or permit others to exercise these rights
Works of authorship under copyright law are not limited to written words. Copyright covers many different types of works, including photographs, videos, illustrations, poems, plays, graphic designs, films, logos, blog posts, and more.
Is Copyright the Same as Trademark?
Our lawyers hear this question often. Copyright and trademark offer protection to original work, but copyright is more inclusive. Copyright protects nearly all unauthorized use of original work. Trademark doesn’t protect against copying work but focuses on whether copying work causes marketplace confusion.
Additionally, copyright is also automatic. Trademark is not.
Copyright exists the moment you fix your expression in a tangible medium. So, if you design a unique logo, you automatically have copyright. If you create that logo for a client, you can agree to transfer copyright ownership to the client, or you can license its use.
Finally, many artists create a range of logos that they offer for sale or license to prospective clients. Generally, artists are not pursuing trademarks on each of their designs. However, they can have copyright protect on each, with the ability to recover damages if someone copies and uses your logo without your permission.

The Advantages of Registering Your Logo’s Copyright
Registration is not a requirement for copyright protection to exist. Copyright exists automatically. When you register your uniquely creative logo, however, you have the right to file a lawsuit for copyright infringement.
Registering your copyright also allows you to seek statutory damages for the infringement, which can be both easier to prove and larger in amount than “actual damages” (which is all you can seek for damages prior to registration).
Protecting a Logo with Trademark
Logos can be difficult to protect because copyright only covers them if they are genuinely unique and contain the requisite amount of creativity. Copyright does not protect the name of the business or the color or font of a logo.
Trademark, however, protects the elements of the logo that identify the business associated. Trademark protects all the features of your design that differentiate one business or service from another. This includes font, colors, and symbols.
Obtaining a trademark requires applying for or receiving a trademark registration from the US government. This process is different than the process of registering your copyright. Our attorneys can help you determine if trademark protection is right for you.
How Our Lawyers Can Help Protect Your Logo Designs
As mentioned above, trademark and copyright often overlap when it comes to logo designs. Many logos are protected by both in some way and this can cause some confusion for graphic designers and their clients.
At the Sanders Law Firm, our US copyright lawyers can help ensure that your intellectual property rights are protected to the maximum extent of the law.
We can walk you through your legal options regarding protecting your logo designs and enforcing your copyright. We can also help you secure trademark protection if that is the correct course of action based on your unique situation.
Call Sanders Law Group, US Copyright Attorneys
You may be entitled to collect substantial damages when someone uses your copyrighted logo without permission. Call us at 888-348-3090 to find out what your infringement case might be worth and what actions you may want to take against the infringing party.
Our copyright lawyers can help with the following:
- Licensing agreements
- Copyright registration
- Copyright infringement lawsuits
- Copyright settlements
- Copyright litigation
- DMCA takedown notices
- Cease and desist letters
Our copyright lawyers understand the value of your creative work. We want to ensure that you protect your rights and take steps to collect damages when someone copies your work without permission. Call Sanders Law Group today at 888-348-3090 for a free evaluation of your copyright infringement claim.